This Week In POKT (As seen on Twitter 😏)

Aug 19th POCKET HIGHLIGHTS :sparkles:

Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • :closed_lock_with_key: The long-awaited @Ledger integration of POKT has happened. You can now safely store your precious POKT. Announcement

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

Community Highlights :sparkles:

  • :popcorn: The latest Pocket Open Priority was assigned! Decentralized Authority will now create and maintain a new POKT wallet. The Decision

  • :speech_balloon: We received some exciting updates on wPOKT during this week’s Community Call. RECAP

Hub Highlights :sparkles:

  • PoktAfrica shared insights on how integrating with Pocket unlocks a treasure trove of possibilities. Medium Post💎

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

This week’s Highlight of the Week goes to…The Ledger Integration :fire::fire:. See the results here: Community Poll

Another week wrapped up! Exciting times :wink:



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

  • :white_check_mark: PEP-63 voting concluded. The DAO approved the proposal with 0 rejections. Uniswap, we coming! Snapshot

Community Highlights :sparkles:

More Community Highlights :sparkles:

Must-Read :books:

Must-Listen :headphones:

  • PNF’s @Dermot talked about the #DePIN revolution with Andy Pickering in this week’s must-listen.
    Listen here :point_down:
    Brave New Coin

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

This week’s trophy went to, as voted by the community, went to BASE’s allowlisting!!! Results here

There’s so much going on! WATTBA! See you next week :wave:

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Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • :mag: MessariCrypto updated their DePIN Screener, including POKT in the list. See here: DePin Tokens Tracker

  • :electric_plug: Base was whitelisted, providing access to Base with Reliable, Performant, and Cost-effective decentralized infra. TX

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

Community Highlights :sparkles:

Hub Highlights :sparkles:

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

This week’s Highlight of the Week was hotly contested with the community unable to pick between 2 events. Check out the votes here: HotW Poll

Another week of Highlights wrapped up! This week has started with a bang so the next Highlights will be :fire::boom:



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • :arrows_counterclockwise: We started the week with a massive update on the status of wPOKT. Launch dates locked in!
    – Bridge and wPOKT token launch: Wed 20th Sept
    – Uniswapv2 wPOKT/ETH pool launch: Mon 25th Sept
    Stairway to Ethereum: the upcoming launch of wPOKT

  • :fire: We have officially crossed 4M POKT burned! All collected from gateway fees. Burn stats

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

Community Highlights :sparkles:

  • :popcorn: A new Pocket Open Priority (POP) was published for community contributors to take on. This POP is to rebuild the official Pocket Network website. Submissions are already flowing in, check them out. OPEN PRIORITY: Website Rebuild

  • :face_in_clouds: The community had the opportunity to catch a glimpse Behind the Avi of @Jerry, a long-time Pocket contributor, DAO member, and Community Mod. Behind The Avi

Hub Highlights :sparkles:

  • :handshake:The PoktKorea team organized a fantastic POKT community link-up in Seoul. Read the review Community Meet-Up

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

This week HotW trophy goes to the 4M POKT total burned, narrowly pipping C0D3R’s pre-proprosal to the top spot. :pinching_hand:. Results

Another week wrapped up! Catch you next week and remember, stay safe and stay hydrated :potable_water:



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • :pinched_fingers: Welcome to the Family . Holesky was officially allowlisted, bringing it into the Pocket family and adding to the growing list of Pocket’s supported chains. TX

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

  • :money_with_wings: A revamp on how contributors get paid, just as wPOKT is about to go live! Socketeers can expect streamed payments in wPOKT :exploding_head:. DAO Finance Operations - Update

  • :bike: ERA Cycle 1 Update dropped, detailing all the work shipped towards our Keystone Projects. A lot of work completed, no lie! Era Cycle Report - Cycle 1

Community Highlights :sparkles:

  • :cyclone: Nodies updated us on the progress of Pocket’s second Gateway. It’s getting cloooserr! Into the Gateway-verse: Bootstrapping a Multi-Gateway Ecosystem - #22 by poktblade

  • :beers: POKTober is coming, and the community received an exciting roadmap on what to expect! See what’s cooking: wPOKT x POKTober

  • :building_construction: The first-ever Pocket v0 Builders call took place! The call provided details on how community contributors interested in contributing to the protocol can get started. Watch it here:V0 Builder’s Call

  • :people_hugging:Don’t miss the latest community call, where you’ll hear updates from PNF and PNI. From PNI’s Gateway vision to PNF’s recap of Korea Blockchain Week, there’s a lot to catch up on. Community Call

Hub Highlights :sparkles:

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

The standout moment of the week went to…:drum::drum::drum:… POKTober’s roadmap!! Poll results

And that’s a wrap! These weeks just keep getting more and more exciting!



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

Two proposals went to vote:

  • PEP-64: Transitioning @PoktNews from a Socket Grantee to a DAO Core Contributor
  • PIP-31: 2 consensus-breaking features for POKT
    Track em here: Snapshot

Community Highlights :sparkles:

Hub Highlights :sparkles:

  • The @poktafrica team held a Hub Call that dissected Pocket Network’s role in Web3.

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

The event that took this week’s trophy was…:drum::drum::drum:… Pocket crossing the $150K in revenue milestone. The “Rollkit announcement” and “PNI’s rebrand” are requesting a recount but the results don’t lie. See here:

Recap complete! What a week! But it gets even more exciting as we are now a week a way from POKTober :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • :fire: The Network continued its journey to sustainability. 195K POKT collected from Gateway fees was burned. POKTscan

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

  • :ballot_box: Two proposals had their moment of truth! PEP-64 was approved with a 12-4 vote, while PIP-31 narrowly missed approval with a 13-14 vote. Snapshot

  • :balance_scale: PNF provided their implementation plan for the 3D Governance Model. PGOV2 - Modular Governance implementation

Community Highlights :sparkles:

Must-Reads :books:

  • The first must-read article dives into the crucial role that Gateways play in decentralized systems. Read it here: Gateways: DePIN Compromise or Force Multiplier? - Pocket Network

  • The second recommendation is Cabronelbufon’s brilliant thoughts on the ‘most important, under-discussed protocol in crypto.’ Take a look Pokt Thoughts

  • Lastly, a recap of the incredible “Building DePIN” Space. RECAP

Must-Listens :headphones:

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

This isn’t even up for debate, it was the event on everyone’s lips! The talk of CT! The first of many DePIN Spaces hosted by Pocket Network. POLL

Another exciting week capped off! This following week is due to be as exciting, if not more! #POKTober!

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Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

Community Highlights :sparkles:

This week’s Must-Reads :books:

This week’s Must-Listen :headphones:

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

So many epic moments that could have bagged the week’s trophy! But the one voted for by the community, was none other than… the wPOKT LAUNCH!!! :clap::clap::clap:. Poll Results

That’s it, fam! Now on to the Uniswap Pool Launch! :horse_racing:



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • :money_mouth_face:We crossed 5M POKT in Protocol Revenue! Yeah, you read that right. Not 1, not 2, but 5 MILLY! POKTscan

  • :arrows_counterclockwise: The wPOKT/ETH Liquidity Pool went live! In and out of our ecosystem just got smother and easier. Uniswap Interface

  • :moneybag: Shortly after the Pool went live, the LP incentives were unleashed. Stake LP tokens here

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

Community Highlights :sparkles:

Hub Highlights :earth_africa:


Must-Watch :tv:

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

The HOTW was none other than the launch on the wPokt/Eth pool and LP incentives! Who would have guessed it? :woman_shrugging:. See results: Poll

And that’s a wrap, fam! :clapper:
Another exhilarating week, right?!



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • :scroll:Scroll Mainnet (0082) has been whitelisted on the protocol! Devs can now enjoy decentralized access to Scroll. POKTscan

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

Community Highlights :sparkles:

Gateway Highlights :sparkles:

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend:Nodies announced that their test relays would be hitting mainnet. The Gatewayverse is alive and kicking! Announcement

  • :herb: Grove added Scroll Mainnet support! They’re serious demand drivers! Scroll Support

  • :herb: They then gave us a “View from the Grove,” a weekly digest of all things Grove. :newspaper: Read the latest!
    :herb:View from the Grove :eyes:

Hub Highlights :earth_africa:

Must-Read :books:

Now for the Highlight of the Week! :trophy:

This week’s trophy was awarded to… the announcement by Nodies of test relays hitting Mainnet!! :partying_face::raised_hands:

And there you have it, fam! A blast, wasn’t it?! Same again next week :wink:



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • :fire: The protocol experienced its second-highest weekly burn, soaring briefly to 2nd place on the Web3Index revenue-generating protocol table! Weekly Burn Stats

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

Gateway Highlights :sparkles:

  • :herb: The @BuildWithGrove’s “View from the Grove” was brimming with awe-inspiring updates, boasting a 99.9% uptime, 7 deals inked in 7 weeks, and the groundbreaking announcement of accepting wPOKT as payment! View from the Grove

Community Highlights :sparkles:

  • :moneybag: The start of wPOKT streaming payments for community contributors is set for Nov 1st!

  • :clap: The victors of the Ode to Ethereum contest were heralded. The Winners

  • :earth_asia: The first weekly APAC Ecosystem Office Hours unfolded with a bang, thanks to Tony Kim & @Jinx
    APAC Ecosystem Office Hours

Must Watch :movie_camera:

  • This week, @o_rourke graced the Smart Economy Pod, shedding light on decentralized systems and more. Watch Here

Must Read :books:

Highlight Of The Week :trophy:

The trophy goes to Grove for their announcement that they will be accepting wPOKT as payment from enterprise clients. And rightfully so! POLL

There it is, POKT fam! A whirlwind of a week, right?



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

Gateway Highlights :sparkles:

  • Grove proudly announced a stellar list of partners, signaling strong collaborative strides. See Here

  • Nodies highlighted the benefits of integrating with POKTnetwork as our second Gateway. More Here

Community Highlights :sparkles:

  • The results of the Node runners’ survey were published. Insightful: Node operator survey - #4 by robko

  • A new Pocket Open Priority invited the community to lend their expertise to the maintenance of the Morse Testnet. Submissions

Must Read :books:

  • This week’s must-read is the Messari report on the State of Pocket Q3 2023, providing an in-depth analysis of the network’s performance. State of Pocket Q3 '23

Must Watch :movie_camera:

  • This week’s Community Call offered an insightful update on POKT’s Gatewayverse, shedding light on the ecosystem’s expansive capabilities. Community Call Nov 2nd

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

The jaw-dropping list of Grove’s partners stole the week’s Highlight trophy! Voted by the community. See here: POLL

That’s the recent scoop in the POKT world! See you next week and remember…



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • We partnered with DevelopeDAO, providing them with decentralized RPC access. Announcement

  • A major achievement was recorded in our protocol revenue, crossing the 6M POKT mark. Burned POKT

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

  • Voting on PIP-35 kicked off. It aims to make Gateway onboarding more frictionless, with the seamless transfer of App Stakes. PIP-35

  • PIP-34 received overwhelming DAO approval. Not a single rejection! PIP-34 Results

Gateway Highlights :sparkles:

  • DeveloperDAO, Nodies DLB, and Grove joined forces to discuss RPC access and DePIN. A gathering of great minds! The Link Up

  • In an exciting partnership, MASQ and Nodies DLB linked up to provide MASQ Browser users with seamless access to multiple blockchains. Unstoppable Partnership

  • The team at Grove announced support for Solana Custom in this week’s “View from the Grove.” Access to Solana, but with enhanced historical and indexing capabilities for users. View From The Grove

Community Highlights :sparkles:

  • The latest insights into our marketing strategy were published, providing a glimpse into recent efforts. Marketing Update

  • DeveloperDAO dropped a thread contest challenging the community’s knowledge on POKT as the RPC Base-layer. Grab Your Notepad

  • POKTNEST, the new community-built explorer, was unveiled! New Explorer, Who Dis?

  • @RawthiL :newspaper_roll: unveiled PNYX, an exciting LLM-powered tool providing comprehensive Pocket-related information. A massive step in making info easily accessible. PNYX AI unveils a unified POKT search engine

  • Two of our community’s best and brightest joined Encode Club’s workshop, diving deep into POKT’s role in accessing blockchain data. 2 Ds in a Pod

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

The week’s standout moment, voted by the Community, was protocol revenue crossing the 6M POKT mark. 10M is firmly in sight! Results

That’s the latest from the POKT universe! If you’re in Istanbul for Devconnect, HMU :call_me_hand:



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • BIG NEWS! Infura showcased POKTnetwork as one of the key players in its DIN initiative, highlighting the importance of POKT’s decentralized infrastructure. The Reveal

  • The protocol team celebrated a major development milestone for Pocket Shannon, with lots more in the pipeline! See Demo

  • The near-term liquidity goals for wPOKT were met, ensuring smooth entry and exit in the ecosystem. 1.3M with ease!

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

  • The DAO unanimously approved PIP-35, showcasing the strength of our governance system. Transfer of App stakes between Gateways is now frictionless. 7-0

Gateway Highlights :sparkles:

  • Nodies made their first Gateway fee payment to the DAO, marking a major step forward in the Gatewayverse! The TX

  • Grove was unveiled in Infura’s illustrious list of DIN partners.HUGE!

Community Highlights :sparkles:

  • Four teams were selected for the Pocket Open Priority, maintaining Pocket Morse’s testnet. The Fantastic Four

Must Read :books:

  • This week’s must-read: An insightful piece on Infura’s DIN initiative and its partners. Must Read

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

The event that stole the week’s spotlight was… INFURA x POKT partnership! :champagne::champagne:. See POLL

That wraps up the week’s journey!



Protocol Highlights :sparkles:

  • wPOKT achieved a major milestone, crossing the 50M minted mark! wPOKT

Governance Highlights :sparkles:

  • The ERA Cycle 2 report was published, showcasing immense progress on our Keystone Projects in September & October. The list is crazy! ERA Cyce 2 Report

  • The Pocket Network Foundation dropped an Ecosystem Strategy & Ambitions Update, highlighting achievements and setting objectives till the end of Q2 2024.
    Exciting roadmap in here :point_down:
    PNF Ecosystem Strategy and Ambitions update

Gateway Highlights :sparkles:

  • Grove announced an exciting upcoming Twitter Space featuring two industry heavyweights, @o_rourke and E.G. Galano. They will be discussing the future of decentralized infrastructure. Don’t forget to set your reminder :alarm_clock:

  • POKTscan recorded a milestone of 100M relays from the Nodies DLB Gateway. #RoadTo1Billy. Gateway Metrics

Community Highlights :sparkles:

  • The Developer DAO thread contest results were released, featuring top-quality content. The Winners

  • The and websites received some exciting updates, now showcasing wPOKT and Gateway metrics. Explore them!

  • A new community member joined the Socket program, lending their expertise to POKT Shannon development. OPEN: Socket for Shannon economic R&D

Must Read :books:

Highlight of the Week :trophy:

  • The standout moment was tightly contested but it narrowly went to… NODIES DLB 100M Relays!!! :clap::clap:. Results: POLL

That’s all for this week!

This Week In POKT (DEC 2ND)


  • The network impressively processed 2.84 billion relays (Sat-Fri), a 10% increase from last week’s count of 2.58 billion. Ethereum led the charge with over 800 million relays.




Must Read :books:

Must Listen :headphones:

  • A conversation with @o_rourke & E.G. Galano discussing the evolution of Decentralized Infra. Particularly insightful was their detailing of the history of Infura and POKT. Tune In

  • A discussion with our friends, sminert, AyyanERahman, and Zemm_NFT on the significance of citizenship in the digital world. Tune In

Event of the Week

  • This week’s standout event, without a doubt, was the buzz around Grove’s funding. Dominating the spotlight, it captured the community’s and wider cryptosphere’s attention in an epic way. Poll Results

That’s a wrap for a bustling week in POKT Network. Never a dull moment.
Catch you next week!


This Week In POKT (DEC 9th)


The network processed 3 billion relays, generating 26K POKT in protocol revenue.


  • Nodies DLB shared an exciting update on their work on the open Gateway stack, bringing POKT closer to a resilient and diverse multi-gateway ecosystem. Get the details. OSS Gateway Stack Update

  • Don’t miss the upcoming @BuildWithGrove’s “Don’t Quit Your Daydream” talk on Decentralized AI’s future with Ramiro from POKTscan and Harry from GensynAI. Set a reminder: Don’t Quit Your Daydream


Two impactful proposals hit the forum.

  • PEP-65: SCAN, requesting $20k/month for POKTscan’s continued support.

  • PEP-66:CM-CC aiming to recognize our community moderators as core contributors.


  • DeveloperDAO’s #30daysoftext Day 6 challenged the community: What open-source libraries should POKTnetwork build? Join the conversation for a chance to win $100 worth of POKT. Day 6


  • Don’t miss the insightful presentation by @h5law on the Sparse Merkle Tree (SMT) and other key areas of the Shannon upgrade. Watch here: SMT


  • This week’s “Event of the Week” poll saw a close race, but in the end, Nodies’ Gateway Stack update clinched the top spot with 37% of the votes, POLL

That concludes another exciting week at POKT Network!


This week in POKT (DEC 16th)


  • We received some exciting updates from our Head of Protocol, @Olshansky, on Shannon’s development and it’s journey to Testnet.

  • The protocol earned 23K POKT in protocol revenue from our 2 Gateways for the 3.3B relays processed last week.



  • The Builder Specification for the proposed 3D Governance Model was published. It outlines eight builder credentials that correspond to different types of contributions a Builder can make. Builder Spec

  • Voting began on two important proposals: PEP-65, which aims to continue funding POKTscan, and PEP-66, which seeks to recognize our Community Mods as Core contributors. Snapshot


  • The community successfully pushed and voted for POKTnetwork’s metrics to be displayed on, along with other exciting DePIN projects where it rightfully belongs.

  • The Socket Program welcomed a new member who will contribute their expertise to help Pocket establish the healthiest culture and governance among all DAOs. Their role will involve tracking important community and governance metrics. New Socketeer

  • Bounty Hunter turned full-time POKTnetwork Protocol Dev, @h5law, shared a review of their first year in POKT. It has been quite a remarkable year. Definitely worth a read! A Year In POKT | h5law

  • A brand new Pocket Open Priority (POP) launched, inviting community builders to create open-source reference implementations of a full-stack user-facing gateway. OPEN PRIORITY: Gateway Demo


  • This week’s must-read is an insightful piece titled “Three Truths” by @o_rourke. In this article, he outlines the three fundamental beliefs that shape his vision for Grove and POKTnetwork. Three Truths - Michael O'Rourke


  • This week’s must-listen is part 2 of “Don’t Quit Your Daydream” Space by Grove. In this episode, they have a conversation with POKTscan and GensynAI on Decentralized AI. DQYD PART II



  • The event that took this week’s trophy was…Nodies DLB crossing 1B relays!! A massive achievement for Nodies, POKT and the Gatewayverse.

And that wraps up another Week In POKT!


This Week in POKT (DEC 23th)


  • The network generated 30.6K POKT in revenue, from servicing 3.5 billion relays.

  • The wPOKT v2 update was published, including the next steps for the LP incentive program and a possible launch of wPOKT on another chain. Read the full update. wPOKT v2 update


  • The Staker Specification of the 3D Governance Model was released, introducing a ‘Staker House’ with paths for Supply-side (node runners), Demand-side (Gateway operators), and Liquidity providers (wPOKT/ETH). PGOV6 - Staker Specification

  • PEP-67 stirred up discussions about the fate of investor funds after Nodes4All’s closure. PEP-67

  • PEP-66 approval brought recognition and DAO funding to community mods as core contributors. PEP-66 Results

  • The approval of PEP-65 ensured ongoing support and funding for POKTscan until the Shannon Upgrade. PEP-65 Results


  • Grove provided a recap of 2023’s achievements and developments. Year in Review



The wPOKT v2 Update was voted to be this week’s standout moment. Arbitrum here we come! POLL

That’s a wrap for a dynamic week at POKT Network! Happy Holidays gang.


This Week in POKT (DEC 30th)



  • The Modular Governance upgrade’s Voting Specification was published, harmonizing the Citizens, Builders, and Stakers in a unified voting framework. PGOV7 - Voting Specification




The community voted stand out moment of the week was the addition of 3 new chains. POLL

That concludes our week at POKT Network. Onward and upward!