[RFP-11] State of the network in terms of costs, scability, and power

The network has seen a tremendous growth in the past 5 months. We have gone from ~17500 staked nodes to 45000 nodes in the past of 5 months. There has been many concerns about our network being over-provisioned - but no true baseline that represents the state of our network right now.

As we already know, relay chains can scale to quite the amount of RPS. I have been able to benchmark my ETH node to support anywhere from 20k-25k RPS on a EPYC 2nd gen processor with 8-16 cores, using EthSpam and Verus. I do not have any insights on how well a pocket node can scale in comparison.

In order to make more informed and data driven decisions for our token economics, it’s worthwhile bench-marking the network or sampling our network by conducting a informal survey across the large node runners to provide a baseline. This will help as we would have a references and statistics in order to back our decisions for future proposals.

This is a necessity to do before V1 given that it is a year or so out and I expect more proposals in regards to ABR/tuning WAGMI paramaters/buybacks to pop up.

Some example statistics to collect

  • Cost to run a Pocket Node?
  • Own your server hardware?
  • RPS of your Pocket Node?
  • How many nodes do you place per chain?