Due to the sensitivity of Michael’s proposal, and to ensure all stakeholders have equal access to participation, I’ve temporarily relieved all forum mods of their duties to ensure all civil voices are heard.
I am now the sole mod.
There is a fine line between civil and uncivil… so before posting a potentially racy comment, just ask yourself:
" What would the Grand Sultan of PNF do? "
If Yea
Then post.
If Nay
Then take out the 3rd grade name calling and reword.
Telegram Censorship
I’ve heard complaints that folks have been censored in the Den. Some points or topics are being considered “conspiracy theories” and it is leading to warnings and bans.
From the instances I’ve reviewed, I’ve seen times where warning and bans were used in a far more subjective than I would prefer.
To ensure that all aspects of Michael’s proposal can be discussed in real-time, I’ve used my god like powers to create a Discord channel dedicated to the topic of PIP-38. This may also give our Discord peeps a place to join the conversation as well.
Outside of real-time chat, also be sure to make your comments known on forum post itself: PIP-38: Re-electing Michael O'Rourke to the Foundation