PoktNews’ End of August report card! 
In August, we shifted gears from observation to action, taking to heart the feedback and the strategic direction outlined by our Head of Marketing, Adz. Our focus veered away from repetitive day-to-day community commentary, which has recently been circling around questions like “wen moon”
and “why dump”
Instead, we prioritized content that informs both community members and future community members (they just don’t know it yet) on the exciting upcoming developments. We delved into the effects of ARR; we also took the wPokt demo bridge for a spin
, showcasing its functionality. Additionally, we explored the exciting multi-Gateway Pocket alongside the usual PoktNews jazz.
Although a bit quieter, we observed community sentiment becoming a bit more positive as we get closer to the wPokt launch. Instead of the usual downtrodden convos over price (inevitable), more discussions now centered around dates and timelines for upcoming notable events.
Growth of the PoktNews account has been hard to determine this month as we’ve noticed wild daily fluctuations in the follower count. Maybe they’re bots, who knows; we’re not well-versed in how these things work
. The Pocket Network main account has seen increased engagement, thanks to the excellent work of Adz. We had a notable figure in the crypto space retweet one of the tweets, which hasn’t happened in a long while. Pocket getting sexy again perhaps?
Path going forward: ICYMI, there’s a proposal that transitions us from a Socketeer
to a full-fledged DAO Core Contributor, the highest of honors!
We might f*ck around and get some T-shirts made with “POCKET DAO CORE CONTRIBUTOR” emblazoned on them.
Irrespective of the outcome of this proposal, we still aim to provide as much value to the community as possible and keep doing what we do. The Socket grants have been extremely helpful for us to continue doing this, but ultimately we are just like any other community member and deserve no more or less than what the DAO says.
All in all, another fun month of recaps, commentary, updates, memes and lil bit of trolling! 
Bring on the month of wPOKT! (hopefully