Pocket network custom dashboard proposal by TogetherCrew (RnDAO)
Hey folks
Weâve tried to create a rather detailed proposal. Hopefully, this can prompt discussion on anything that we might have misunderstood and we can mover forward together 
Our proposal focuses on creating a custom dashboard project exclusively for Pocket Network. We are particularly intrigued by Pocketâs commitment to decentralization, enabling developers worldwide to access and utilize multiple blockchain networks seamlessly. Our mission at RnDAO is to Empower Humane Collaboration which we deem we can advance by contributing to Pocket Networkâs mission of providing efficient, scalable, and decentralized blockchain solutions. This proposal outlines the specific business requirements and includes a high-level business analysis to ensure our dashboard project aligns with the Pocket Network community values and goals we also hold dear - namely transparency, inclusivity, collaboration, and adaptability and advancing towards a world where the most important digital infrastructure is governed by its users.
About Us
We, TogetherCrew and Microflow, are two teams part of RnDAO with a focus on enabling and empowering communities through data and transparency. Weâre excited to develop and maintain this custom dashboard. Its main purpose is to visualize the requested metrics, providing valuable insights for the Pocket Network.
Project Team:
Danielo (contact person) - Instigator at RnDAO and CoLead at TogetherCrew. Previously, Head of Governance at Aragon, 8 years in Organization Design consulting (clients include Google, BCG, Daymler, The UN, and multiple startups), and visiting lecturer at Oxford University.
Twitter: twitter.com/_Daniel_Ospina
LinkedIn: LinkedIn.com/in/conductal/
Sepehr (project manager) - Co-lead at MicroFlow. Senior software engineer at Aragon. Co-Founder of Neolyze, Social media analysis dashboard. Contributed to the design and development of TogetherCrew.
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/sepehr-sanaee/
Github: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub
Cyrille Derché - Contributor at TogetherCrew. Bsc. Computer Science. Ex-Accenture, Co-founder and CTO of SaaS company helping medical device manufacturers deliver product data + documentation to healthcare professionals (handling of sensitive data). Builder of products, processes, and teams.
Github: cyri113 (Cyrille) · GitHub
Merhdad - Co-lead at MicroFlow. Technical director at CBI DAO. Previously, Co-Founded the Neolyze Social media analysis platform. Ex Data engineer. Contributed to the design and development of Devonso (CRM business logic analysis dashboard) and TogetherCrew.
Linkedin: LinkedIn.com/in/mehrdad-mms/
Katerina - Co-lead TogetherCrew. Ph.D. using social network analysis. Since 2016 she is co-instructing a graduate course on data analytics for HR at Northwestern University. She has also co-organized the Learning in Networks sessions at the International Conference of Social Network Analysis (2018 - 2020), and previously advised a people analytics company on social network metrics.
Twitter: twitter.com/katerinabohlec
Linkedin: LinkedIn.com/in/katerinab
Github: katerinabc · GitHub
Tjitse van der Molen - Contributor at TogetherCrew. MSc degree in systems biology, focussed on large-scale biological data analysis. Currently, he is obtaining his PhD in dynamical neuroscience where he is using graph theory and advanced statistical methods to study how neurons self-organize into interaction networks. He is applying the same techniques to study community member interaction networks. recent project: analyses for this paper Functional neuronal circuitry and oscillatory dynamics in human brain organoids | Nature Communications Code and data are openly available in this github: GitHub - KosikOrganoid/Intrinsic-activity-code: Example data and code for analyses in paper
Github: TjitsevdM · GitHub
Previous Work
Our team has decades of experience in data analytics. Our recent work includes community Health analyses for Aave, Aragon, Near (6 sub-communities), MetaGame, Celo, LexDAO, and more. And the creation of the plug-and-play live dashboard with Discord data togethercrew.com, used by Optimism, amongst others. Weâre also official launch partners of MetricsDAO
Additionally, weâve conducted extensive research to identify the most reliable and actionable indicators for community health (including a PhD in the topic of social network analysis and team performance and published framework on community health).
Dashboard Scope and Objectives
- The dashboard will be open to the public, accessible on a subdomain in the Pocket network website
- The dashboard aims to visualize composite metrics, open to the public and unstoppable.
- This project is focusing on visualizing the data rather than data extraction and complex data analysis. The analysis will be limited to basic statistical analysis (as per the requested metrics) in this phase of the project.
- Due to the dashboard being open to the public, authentication, and user access control level is not part of the scope of the project.
- The target audience of this product is the Pocket Network community
- The Dashboard must be easy to understand (weâll collect community feedback about the UX and, if any during the first 3 weeks, incorporate it before finalizing the project. Any feedback after that relates to the terms of the Support agreement below).
Additional Benefits:
- We also already have a Discord integration and are also working on a Discourse and Twitter integration for the TogetherCrewâs Dashboard (through a grant by Optimism Foundation and Web3 Foundation, respectively), functionalities which will be made available to Pocket Network too via the TogetherCrew Dashboard, should Pocket decide to deploy it. The initial scope of these integrations includes adding them as data sources to the TogetherCrew dashboard (see walkthrough: TogetherCrew overview - YouTube) and will be expanded over time. If Pocket wishes to integrate these data sources in the future separately from the TogetherCrew dashboard, the work can be provided at a significantly reduced cost thanks to the pre-existing infrastructure weâre already building or otherwise can integrate Pocketâs custom dashboard into their instance of the TogetherCrew dashboard (for clarity, both paths forward mentioned are optional and this proposal focuses on a separate, custom dashboard for Pocket).
- Our current work also includes the creation of an AI-powered bot in partnership with Optimism. The bot analyzes public communication data, answers questions of users on demand (enabling them to gain context about the network easily and hence empowering them to participate more effectively in governance, protocol development, etc), and also scans violations to the code of conduct to alert moderators about cases of harassment and provides private recommendations to users about how to reword their messages in more effective and humane ways (e.g. NVC methodology). The work outlined below with Pocket Network would provide the foundation to include these functionalities in the future should it be desired by the Pocket DAO.
Data Sources
Excel files
There will be static Excel files that will be updated manually. Updating the Excel files automatically or through the dashboard is out of the scope of this project.
CoinGecko API
The Pocket network team is responsible for providing the CoinGecko API subscription. Only this API will be utilized to fetch market information.
Snapshot API
The dashboard will also support integration with Snapshot, bear in mind this integration is only to read and visualize data and the dashboard will not provide support for calling actions through Snapshot API.
The dashboard will utilize POKTscan to retrieve and visualize real-time network data.
The project is expected to last for 10 weeks, including the outlined steps in the roadmap. The total budget of the project is POKT 979,941 as detailed in the breakdown provided in the efforts section.
Additionally, a monthly retainer for ongoing support is set at 970 USD per month including new metrics added monthly (see below the Support section for details about whatâs included and payment). The initial quoted price includes two month of free support after the code is delivered.
- Discovery and requirement gathering (week 1 - 2)
- Discuss the requirements to the full extend
- Gather all the necessary information about the metrics and their calculation method
- Workshop to define the visualization method for each metric and data type together with Pocket Foundation team
- Write user stories
- Design system architecture
- Finalize deliverables, acceptance criteria, and timeline
- UX Design (week 3-5 & 9-10)
- Wireframe
- Initial Design
- Design demo for Pocket team
- Community Feedback collection (feedback form)
- Amendments
- Frontend (weeks 4-8)
- Integration with Backend
- Visualize the data
- Component factory
- Chart factory
- Backend (weeks 2-8)
- Data source integration modules and data retrieval
- Statistical logic and endpoints
- Database and data storage
- Unit tests
- Infrastructure (week 1 & 9)
- Site Reliability
- Pipeline setup
- Hosting
- Dev support
- System health check and error alerts
- Logging
- QA (weeks 3-9)
- Testing developed functionalities and dashboard
The coverage area of support is as follows
- Hosting
- Any bugs and issues in the delivered dashboard such as wrong or missing data.
- Any small UX changes to the dashboard such as color change, component rearrangement, wording, annotations, and explanations, etc.
- Small changes to metric logic such as parameters and thresholds, filters, etc.
- Up to one new simple metric per month (simple algorithm, common visualization types, and existing data sources)
- Site Reliability
- Security and site maintenance
- Changes to the underlying APIs
This is a long-term support agreement, and we plan our resources in a way that we always have unallocated resources to devote to your project on your demand. Doing so, helps us to deal with any queries from your side with urgent priority.
Our support scope does not cover new work, such as adding new data sources or complex new charts, as it falls outside the scope of our standard support. However, we are fully committed to addressing any bugs or issues, regardless of their size or complexity, if they are caused by our product.
Additionally, we understand the importance of handling any side effects resulting from changes in underlying data sources or changes to the metrics, dashboard, or charts. Our team is dedicated to resolving such issues promptly, providing they can be dealt with in less than 2 days of work. Larger tasks are considered new work, and we can sustain our current pricing for all of 2023 (see budget breakdown above for an example) and adjust based on inflation for 2024.
Customer satisfaction is crucial to us, and we maintain a flexible mindset when it comes to support. Our goal is to bring as much value to our customers as possible.
For any new feature or work going forward, we offer a free business call to discuss your needs and requirements, and we will provide an official quote based on your projectâs scope. We commit to providing competitive pricing.
If you have any new work requirements, we also offer a time and material option. Based on the indicated hourly rates. This offer comprises the hourly rates, a master service agreement indicating the outline and structure of our work, and a service agreement indicating the general scope of the work which will be provided to you upon your request.
Payment terms & Market Fluctuations
Weâre committed to working with Pocket and, as such, are happy to take some market risk together with the Pocket Network and align incentives. However, should the price of Pocket drop more than 15%, weâll have to reassess the viability of the project.
The Support is offered as a complimentary item to the above and is priced in USD for the convenience of both parties. Weâre happy to receive payment in POKT provided normal market conditions.
Closing thoughts
Our primary focus is to ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience for the Pocket Network in working with us. If you have any concerns or need assistance, we are always here to help and provide top-notch quality work. Equally, should any part of this proposal prove unviable or otherwise you wish to discuss, weâre very happy to engage and explore ways to make this relationship the most fruitful possible.
Weâre excited to become contributors to Pocket and hope this is the beginning of many more collaborations.