The next age of POKT Marketing

It has been a while since my last marketing update to you.

But now is a great time to share an overview of what you can expect from this next phase as we prepare our biggest marketing push yet.

Why now?

1/ Shannon’s public testnet is about to launch, our first big step towards mainnet
2/ we’re on the cusp of our latest Gateways starting to send relays to the network

These open up a new array of possibilities for us in terms of brand and marketing.

What will this include?

Brand Association - we’re working with gateways to select impactful partners from among their end customers for a co-marketing campaign that should start from mid June as new gateways are fully online. Current plan is to include co-funding for paid media supported by KOL amplification.

Revenue Growth - the co-marketing campaign will focus on revenue growth for our Gateways and for POKT Network by supporting user acquisition for the end customers in a way that flows through our ecosystem. Revenue growth charts that go up and to the right.

Project Narratives - we’re almost ready to release a much tighter story and will be bringing a new Head of Social on board from 10th of June who will ramp up our content as we get better and better at telling it as well as a refreshed visual identity to build on the foundations that we laid last summer.

KOL Engagement - we’re putting together a plan for KOL activation as well as an experiment around paid boosts of KOL content to ensure that content reaches the biggest possible audience. We will layer on additional targeted activity in key geographies.


We’re pulling multiple threads together and there’s a lot to look forward to.

We’ll be looking for new ways to involve the community fully in this next sprint. As part of that, I’ll start hosting marketing office hours every other week (starting next week) that you’re welcome to join. I’ll share more info on that early next week.

Hope to see you there!