Regional Community Hubs Program

Note : Program will be in private test phase during its first quarter to gather data for further improvements.

What is a Regional Community Hub?

A regional community hub is a central location within a specific region or community that serves as a gathering place for various activities and services. These hubs are designed to bring people together and offer a range of resources that benefit the local community, and in helping to drive awareness of Pocket Network.

The goal of the hubs is to established a framework in regional communities, in allowing Pocket Network to better align itself to focus on specific regions, its culture, and to create local growth & outreach, e.g. being able to “speak their language”.

The Benefits of a Regional Community Hub

  1. Encourages collaboration and networking: A regional community hub brings people and organizations together, creating opportunities for collaboration and networking. This can lead to new partnerships and initiatives that can benefit the entire community.
  2. Fosters a sense of community: A regional community hub provides a space for people to connect, share ideas, and work towards common goals. This can help to build a sense of community and belonging, which is important for people’s overall well-being.
  3. Promotes economic opportunities: A regional community hub can help to promote economic opportunities by supporting local contributors, businesses and entrepreneurs. This can help to create opportunity growth in the region.
  4. Increases access to resources: A regional community hub can provide access to resources such as funding, training, and support services. This can help to level the playing field for smaller organizations and individuals who may not have access to these resources on their own.
  5. Facilitates communication and information-sharing: A regional community hub can serve as a central point of communication and information-sharing for the community. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.

:old_key: Key Requirements

  1. To establish a framework around process, rules, and toolsets in establishing a Regional Community Hub:
    1. Begin a Pocket Network hub in your locality.
    2. Create a safe environment for members to feel welcomed and grow by following all Pocket Network Community Guidelines.
    3. Align with Pocket’s DNA in creating greater alignment on our foundational beliefs in Purpose, Mission, Vision & Value.
  2. To establish and grow the Regional Community Hub, while also aligned with specific tasks and protocol goals:
    1. Lead, grow and support the establishment and management of the hub.
    2. Create a local active community to help serve both members and protocol goals.
  3. To empower the members of each regional community for knowledge and growth:
    1. Create educational materials for community consumption.
    2. Attend/Hold offline and online events to speak about Pocket Network.
    3. Collaborate with other blockchains/crypto communities for growth and onboarding.
  4. To empower hubs into becoming a self sustainable and autonomous hubs:
    1. Onboarding of builders/developers to gateways via referral program.
    2. Establishing a monthly, quarterly and annual summarized report.
    3. Support official Pocket online social groups when able (e.g. Discord, Discourse, Telegram, WeChat, etc).

:handshake: Regional Hub Internal Support

  • Monthly grant support for operations and hub bounties
  • Private hub leader discord channel access
  • Community organizational training and support
  • PNF event coordination
  • Marketing support
  • Design, graphic, infographic support via Socket Design team
  • Swag, Merch, etc.
  • Custom UTM ID for affiliate linking (TBD when it become available)
  • Ahoy integration for tracking

:scroll: Monthly Hub Reporting Requirements

  • Financial report of POKT received/distributed.
  • Work input details planned for the upcoming weeks.
  • A master Hub tracking spreadsheet will be shared among all Hubs to update:
    • Monthly KPI Baseline
      • All contents and events that leads to on-chain activities are highly encouraged.
      1. Community Contents:
        • 2 written articles/blogs
          • 1 must be utility usage centered
        • 4 infographics
        • 2 videos
          • 1 must be utility usage centered
        • 4 translations
      2. Community Events:
        • 2 events per month
          • At least 1 of the following:
            • AMA, workshops, local in-person meetup, online meetup, etc.
          • Contests held per month
            • Puzzles, meme, games, etc.
      3. Community Growth:
        • Gateway referral signups for relay demands (UTM ID to be made available TBD)
          • 2% month/month increase in new gateway account signups
          • 0.2% month/month in gateway accounts with paid relays
        • 2% month/month increase in hub discord channel members
        • 2% month/month increase in Twitter followers
  • A monthly report will be posted on the Discourse forum for public consumption.
    • To be posted during the first week of each month.
  • A monthly report will be posted on the Discourse forum for public consumption.
    • To be posted during the first week of each month.

:house_with_garden: Applying for Regional Community Hub

:page_with_curl: Hub Application Form

:white_check_mark: Process for Hub Approval

  1. Submit application form (google form)
  2. Application review by PNF
  3. Upon submission approval, follow up interview with submitter
  4. Provide final decision for approval after interview
  5. Onboarding

:dollar: Hub Grants

:bar_chart: Hub Operation Grant

  • Funding distribution to hubs will be in $POKT to the official web wallet.
  • All hub bounty rewards from hub to its community must be distributed in $POKT to Pocket on-chain wallets.
  • Funding will be distributed to hub based on invoice received with the monthly summary report.
    • All distributed $POKT from hub to recipient must have its TX ID recorded by the following month’s financial report.
  • All unused $POKT per month will be added to the following month’s max allocation.
  • Monthly Grants:
    • Max $2000 $POKT
    • Max amount can be reviewed on a case-by-case bases as the hub continues its growth in members and activities.
  • Staking of $POKT nodes for hub treasury. (TBD)

:muscle: Hub Manager Grant via RAD Bounty Program

  • $800 $POKT monthly distribution
  • This will be a monthly cap, for which the amount of distribution will be based on hub performance on KPI being met.

:performing_arts: Event Support Process & Request

:page_with_curl: Event Support Application Form

This application is to request for additional resource needs for your event from Pocket Network Foundation, such as for larger events beyond what your hub is able to support per your available resources.

:white_check_mark: Process for Event Support Approval

  1. Submit application form (google form)
  2. Application review by PNF
  3. Meeting with PNF upon approval
  4. Receive final decision for application
  5. If approved: Receive supporting details
  6. Execute plan in partnership with PNF

:white_check_mark: Post Event Process

  1. Hub requestor provides summary report of the event including KPI data
  2. Post meeting with PNF to review report summary and discuss postmortem
    1. What went well?
    2. What are some of the opportunities for improvement?
    3. How can we at PNF be a better supporter for similar future events?

:moneybag: Event Funding Process

  • Max funding amount: $3000.
    • Amount above max can be considered on a case-by-case bases.
  • Event organizer must provide a budget breakdown of all estimated expenses as part of the Event Support Form.
  • Upon approval, the initial distribution of funds will be half of the budgeted amount to be used for the event booking & arrangement.
    • If more than half or if the entire amount is needed upfront, this requirement must be noted within the application with supporting reasons for review.
      • In the instance where the event is overfunded, the overage amount shall be returned by the event organizer to PNF.
  • At the end of the event, a final financial report with the breakdown of the expenses and receipts must be provide as part of the summary report.
  • The final distribution of funds shall be determined based on the summary report, and the difference between the initial distribution and final expense amount.

Notion Page


this is great look forward to its success


Looks like I had the incorrect application link for the hub, which is now fixed. Sorry about that.