Breaking my pledge to @JackALaing to not poke my nose on this thread anymore, sorry!
Hi @RayBorg , nice to forum-meet 
Feel like sharing my thoughts
. “Of course here he goes again,”
few would sigh!
Warning- could be verbose with a lot of trivia.
@RayBorg , you raise an important point and I would be honest that this crossed my mind too until very recently.
Then I told myself- Caesar, pay attention to the details and the nuances instead of finding answers through heuristics.
A) Oxford isn’t just any college and Masters in Econ/Management (Hons) at Oxford isn’t just any course. Been through the hoops of applying to top Unis (not Oxford), and therefore I personally have a lot of respect for such credentials. We need more Oxbridges and Ivy leagues in this space. Thankfully the blockchain associations of the top unis are already doing a lot of amazing work.
B) Writing a DAO thesis at Oxford and being dedicated to the DAO/blockchain space since 2017 qualifies someone as a DAO OG.
C) 4 years at Pocket, at leadership positions, leading the DAO initiative and spearheading PNF makes someone a Pocket OG. I fully support the creation of PNF!
Therefore academics and subject-matter expertise are unmatched I believe.
D) But what about age/years of experience ser? Tech has always been young, web3/crypto is even younger. The relative compensations elsewhere are available if we want to dig. DAOs are the next big thing and we have to value and fairly compensate DAO talent, including at leadership levels. Otherwise retention in the next bull run will be a challenge.
New skills are acquired fast by smart people. And there is a support system around. Key decision-making is not centred around any one individual.
I am still stunned by the level of transparency in this space, and that we even get to question people’s salaries. The access and the hospitality that Web3/crypto offers to anyone who wants to engage is still mind-boggling to me.
PNF has just started and ad hominem attacks probably won’t help any of us in anyway. Imagine getting attacked instead of being celebrated after being on Bankless DAO! I mean how would going on the next one feel to the individual? Maybe I am being over sensitive here.
There is a provision to remove PNF Directors in the PNF governance doc. If and when the community feels that they are inadequate, they can be voted out.
Until then I would give PNF and its leadership a fair chance and then hold them accountable.
So far I am impressed by the direction that they have taken.