Author: zaatar
Acknowledgements: @b3n, Jinx, Dermot, msa6867, Caesar, Pierrick for invaluable feedback.
Recipients: GRIP group: @qspider @RawthiL @Cryptocorn @shane @tracie | @bulutcambasi | COD3R @ale dVG @pikpokt @zaatar
Category: Program
Related Proposal: PEP-45
Asking Amount: Up to $5K/mo.
This proposal is for renewal of GRIP for a further DAO-funded trial period of six months - or 100 hours of work - whichever comes first. Value creation and value measurement will be its defining features. At the end of the trial, a proposal may be submitted for continuation of GRIP.
At the three-month mark - or 50 hours of work - whichever comes first, a review will be conducted including with regard to funding, scope, admin compensation, membership management, how feedback is working, and possible important tweaks.
What is GRIP?
GRIP is a grassroots community group designed to help people submit better proposals - and thereby improve governance - by providing quality feedback, writing assistance and visual aids. It is made up of members with Pocket Network technical and economic expertise, an editor and a graphic artist.
The technical specialists provide feedback on proposals related to Pocket Network technology such as protocol upgrades, parameter adjustments, security enhancements, and community developed tooling. They look for flaws and opine on budget. They assess the impact of proposals on security, efficiency, and scalability.
The economics specialists give feedback on proposals requiring economic analysis including inflation controls, unstaking time, stake minimums, and validation of pool targets. They look for unexpected economic impacts.
Once a formal proposal has been drafted, the editor can proofread or copy edit, including adjustments for clarity, adding detail where needed, and making complex proposals digestible for a general audience. The graphic artist can add infographics for effect and clarity.
Summaries: Before voting on complex proposals, GRIP can create an infographic and/or summary that displays the competing viewpoints.
What GRIP is not
GRIP is not for lobbying, gatekeeping or giving personal views on the merits of a proposal.
PEP-45 did not set out how GRIP would operate. Based on the limited data from our initial three-month trial and the community feedback to date, we are proposing the system that’s set out below.
Opt-in only
GRIP help of any sort is now opt-in only. Also, impact assessment figures large in the proposed system given the importance of demonstrating value to the DAO.
‘GRIP Help’ category
As part of the proposed system, a “GRIP Help” category will be created in the Forum Governance section, just below the Pre-Proposal category. This will facilitate contact between contributors and GRIP regarding the drafting of formal proposals and avoid cluttering the Pre-Proposal category. Also, where GRIP collaborates with authors on a draft (Google Doc), community members who want to view the draft will know that this is where to find the link to it.
Applying for GRIP help
Authors who want help from GRIP can let us know in the GRIP Help category of the Forum. Or they can reach out in the #public-lobby of the Get a GRIP Discord server or they can DM us.
Feedback mechanisms
GRIP will explore setting up a device for registering feedback from those who receive GRIP help and others, including an option that allows this feedback to be provided anonymously. In addition, GRIP may contact authors to get feedback.
In the venues noted below, GRIP will provide the following types of assistance:
Pre-Proposal category (Forum)
- expert feedback
GRIP Help category (Forum): Draft of formal proposal
expert commentary
Infographics or other visual aids
proofreading or copy editing
GRIP Discord server
live consultation with experts (open to public)
private feedback from expert
Pre-Proposal category feedback
When posting to the Pre-Proposal category of the Forum, contributors will be asked if they want help from GRIP, and if so, what type of assistance.
If expert feedback in the Pre-Proposal category is requested, the relevant GRIP team (technical or economic) will determine who will provide it.
The proposal author will be requested to rate each item of feedback: 1. unhelpful, 2. helpful or 3. very helpful. The author can add comments as well. Also, other community members are encouraged to rate the feedback and add comments.
‘GRIP Help’ category: Drafting the formal proposal
In addition to, or instead of GRIP feedback in the Pre-Proposal category, the author may wish to have a GRIP expert help with the drafting of a formal proposal using a Google Doc. The author must start a thread in the GRIP Help category and post a link there to the Google Doc, with viewing enabled for the community.
The author also may request GRIP’s graphic artist to prepare a visual aid.
Once the draft of the formal proposal is complete, the author can ask the GRIP editor to proofread or copy edit (including a final expert review).
Upon completion of the draft, the author will be asked to rate and comment on any assistance.
Get a GRIP Discord server: Live consultation
- Any contributor whose pre-proposal is posted in the Pre-Proposal category or publicly viewable as a Google Doc, can request a live consultation with a GRIP expert in the Meeting Room of the Get a GRIP Discord server. The contributor chooses whether to allow the public to watch only or actively participate.
Get a GRIP Discord server: Private-help option
- GRIP will set up a unique pre-proposal channel for any contributor who wants some private assistance before going public. The channel title will be publicly visible but not the contents or contributor identity. Once the pre-proposal is moved to the Forum, the contents and identity will be made public. The guidelines for private-help can be reviewed here.
The private-help option is new and untested. We will observe its use, and based on community input, determine whether to change and/or keep it. The private-help option could move to the Forum once private group DMs become available; this would allow access to all of GRIP’s services in one place.
Our graphic artist has created an infographic to illustrate the GRIP proposal assistance process:
WORK SHARE: The experts will decide amongst themselves who will provide the requested input. A given pre-proposal could be more in line with one person’s expertise than another’s, or two experts might each have something useful to say. Or a rotational scheme could be set up. If an author requests feedback from a specific GRIP member, we will try to accommodate but may be unable to do so, e.g., if the person is unavailable or in order to fairly share the workload.
To guide proposal authors, a public record will be created, in due course, for each GRIP technical and economic specialist identifying their purported skills/expertise and where they believe they can be most helpful, along with the feedback they’ve received from proposal authors.
GRIP help is available now
Need help with a proposal? You don’t need to wait for the vote on this proposal to seek any of the assistance that’s listed above. GRIP is already fully operational. DM us or reach out in the #public-lobby of our Get a GRIP Discord server. (Funding for this help is included in this proposal.)
NOTE: Contributors can post their ideas or drafts in the Forum Pre-Proposal category and not seek any input from GRIP. Or they can post a proposal as a PEP, PIP or PUP, and skip the pre-proposal stage entirely. However, for all but the simplest proposals this is not recommended since pre-proposal scrutiny produces better proposals. In addition, it’s recommended that all proposals be at least proofread (by GRIP) before publication.
GRIP Credo: Transparency and Accountability
We consider it important to state the principles that govern our work and the manner in which we will carry out our DAO mandate if this proposal passes.
For accountability, GRIP’s engagement with contributors and other paid work is fully transparent.
GRIP believes that transparency enhances proposal development. For edification and to nurture a culture of openness, ideas and pre-proposals should be debated in public.
New members
Anyone can join GRIP by applying in the #join-grip channel on the Get a Grip Discord server. Membership begins once you’ve demonstrated sufficient skill/knowledge/expertise by provision of GRIP assistance and two GRIP members have vouched for you, including a specialist in the area where you wish to provide feedback, or the editor, if you wish to proofread/copy edit. (For a GRIP member who wants to be accepted into a different GRIP category, vouching is needed only from a member of that category.)
Immediately upon approval of this PEP, and as collaboratively as possible, GRIP will complete any needed revisions to the PIP and PUP templates.
Expert feedback, both public and private, summaries, editing, infographics and all other assistance will be provided based on the unpredictable influx of requests by contributors.
For large proposals of a technical or economic nature and retroactive funding requests for technical work, GRIP experts will submit a scorecard .
GRIP will add to the Pocket docs information on its services and a link to the new Proposal Preparation Guide.
A #pre-proposal-support channel was recently created in Pocket’s public Discord server. GRIP will monitor this channel and reply to posts.
DAO funding
Monthly, up to $5K will be allocated to GRIP, which will distribute the funds as it sees fit. The monthly allocation from the DAO may vary based on the amount of work done and its impact. Where a monthly allocation is less than $5K, any “unspent” portion can be used for a later month where the level of compensation to be paid exceeds $5K. DAO allocations to GRIP will be based on the 30-day trailing average of the $POKT/USD price as of the date of remittance.
GRIP will pay its members a premium for assistance that’s highly rated, and nothing for work that’s rated as unhelpful. Unhelpfulness needs to be confirmed by GRIP. GRIP members will keep a record of what they do, and when and how much time it took.
GRIP will report monthly to the DAO on its contributions and the corresponding feedback.
For clarity, the budget will cover work related to carrying out this proposal’s deliverables, actionable items and setup related to collecting feedback, possible mechanisms for seeing whether authors want GRIP help, and publicizing GRIP’s services. Further, GRIP will compensate its members for work related to admin, including reporting to the DAO or PNF on work done and impact. Meeting time will not be compensated. GRIP will try to limit admin fees to 10% of its monthly budget.
In addition, GRIP seeks ongoing reimbursement for its subscription to Adobe Illustrator. GRIP signed up for the basic package in January 2023 to be able to directly edit infographic copy. This saves time as it eliminates the need for multiple DMs with the graphic artist. Monthly cost is about $30. The DAO can share this subscription.
Pre- and Post-trial funding
This proposal also covers a small amount of work done between February 22 and the vote on renewal. (Compensation for these hours will be added to the bill for the first month of GRIP’s operations if this proposal is approved.)
Should GRIP seek to renew at the end of the trial envisaged by this proposal, it can choose to keep operating pending the vote on renewal, in which case the DAO will continue to fund it as per this proposal.
Clarifications re GRIP operations
Several GRIP members are employed by entities in the Pocket ecosystem. Any GRIP-related work for which they seek payment is done in their spare time and outside the scope of the responsibilities and duties of their employment.
GRIP team members will be compensated only for work related to their defined GRIP roles. Accordingly, unless otherwise specified, the editor will be compensated only for copy editing, proofreading and writing (including infographic text); the graphic artist will be compensated only for infographic work, and the economic and technical specialists will be compensated only for assistance within their respective areas.
If a GRIP member creates a pre-proposal, and later, authorship transfers to someone else, he will not be able to bill for work on it. Further, GRIP members will not be compensated for private help on pre-proposals by other GRIP members.
Actionable Items
For clarity, a vote for renewal of GRIP is a vote that the DAO and/or PNF do the following:
In the Forum Governance section, just below the Pre-Proposal category, create a “GRIP Help” category within 24 hours of the end of voting. Enable full permissions for GRIP within this category.
Allow GRIP to install, as soon as possible, and if technically feasible, a mechanism for rating and commenting on GRIP feedback in the Pre-Proposal category, including an option that enables anonymity. Provide any needed help in this regard.
Within 72 hours of the conclusion of voting, allow GRIP to revise the message at the top of the +New Topic box in the Pre-Proposal category of the Forum to include reference to the new GRIP Help category, and possibly other changes.
Allow GRIP to install, at its discretion, and if technically feasible, a mechanism, such as a pop-up with check boxes, whereby proposal authors who post to the Pre-Proposal category of the Forum, can specify what type of help they want, if any. Provide any needed assistance in this regard to ensure that such mechanism is up and running within two weeks of GRIP’s request.
Adjust editor permissions in the Proposal categories to allow posting of summaries and infographics.
Dissenting Opinions
- The trial period is too long. To keep paying monthly for GRIP when we don’t know whether it will get traction, is not a good use of DAO funds.
For the first time since its inception, GRIP help is opt-in. Its private-help option is brand new. Given that the creation of new pre-proposals is unpredictable, and requests by their authors for GRIP help will be even more so, a longer trial period is needed to facilitate adoption and provide sufficient data to evaluate utility.
GRIP will seek monthly funding based on the amount of work it does and reported impact. If it does little work, or if feedback is unhelpful, monthly funding requests will be reduced. In other words, the DAO will be spending money only for work that’s done and deemed helpful.
- The payment scheme is opaque and impedes oversight. Anyone using GRIP help should be told how much GRIP is allocating as compensation for that assistance.
GRIP will report monthly on its work along with impact assessment. Notes @b3n: It’s not the hours people care about, it’s the value add. “Teams’ internal allocations,” he says, “are their domain and everyone else can stay the hell out of it.“
“For a max investment of $5,000 per month we want to incentivize 10 long-time community members to spend more time than they already do helping others with proposals,” says Steve of Dabble Lab. “We trust these 10 people because they have proven track records in our community. So we won’t ask them to justify their time.” After a given time frame, “we’ll reflect and consider if it’s worth continuing with them. This eliminates the concerns with the use of the hours.”
See “Recipients” at the top of this proposal and, for the backgrounds of each, see PEP-45.
Some changes have been made to this proposal since it was first posted. Notably, these include the following:
The trial period is reformulated as six months - or 100 hours of work - whichever comes first. At the three-month mark - or 50 hours of work - whichever comes first, a review will be conducted.
The GRIP 'n GROW section has been removed.
GRIP was created with unanimous community support because everyone recognized the value of helping people with proposals and making them better. GRIP was seen as a good way to incentivize skilled and knowledgeable community members to take the time to provide quality feedback on technical and economic proposals. However, not unexpectedly for an initiative without precedent, our first few months were trial and error. We have learned from it and listened to your feedback. We are hopeful that the carefully laid-out scheme of the current renewal proposal will enable GRIP to deliver on its promise.
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