PEP-57: GRIP Renewal

I appreciate that I may be biased as a GRIP member, but I think GRIP should continue.

It incentivises some of the best and brightest in our community to expend effort into building better proposals that help the whole ecosystem. Without GRIP, I think there’s a strong argument that submitted proposals will be of lower value and benefit for Pocket.

As Zaatar points out- GRIP is pay per use, so if it’s not utilized, the cost of keeping it open and available is very small.

Lastly, anyone can demonstrate their expertise and apply to join GRIP, making it an available opportunity for members of the community to join and be meritocratic.


Grip should continue at least until the protocol is mature enough.

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GRIP is now a waste of funds, especially since the number of proposals has dropped and PNF has things under control. Both the community and investors can voluntarily review the proposals, as doing so is in their best interest. GRIP should be discontinued to save DAO funds.

GRIP To Be Mothballed

GRIP, or Group to Review and Improve Proposals, began operations in November 2022 and made its final contributions to the Pocket Network in September 2023. At that point, GRIP announced that it would suspend operations and canvass community views on whether it should shut down or continue.

Opinions - the few that were expressed - were mixed.

In its last report, GRIP had offered to provide assistance in Q4. None was sought.

GRIP’s subscription to Adobe Illustrator was kept active to accommodate potential help requests. The subscription has now been cancelled. The DAO is being billed $88.50 for the subscription in Q4 ($29.50 per month).

Editing and Infographic Service Under Consideration

While ecosystem changes have diminished the demand for expert feedback on proposals, there continues to be a need for editing and infographics.

As long as the DAO votes on proposals, including those advanced by PNF, there’s a need for editing and occasional infographics to make proposals clearer. In addition, GRIP’s proven editing and artistic skills can be tapped by PNF, individual builders and other community contributors to improve any output, including blogs.

An initiative, therefore, may launch soon, possibly as a Socket, to provide such support. Stay tuned.

But GRIP will disband for now. PNF will be requested to remove the GRIP Help subcategory under Proposals in Pocket Network’s Discourse, as well as reference to GRIP in the pre-proposal support channel on the Pocket Discord server. Should demand for expert assistance revive, GRIP could be reconstituted and this infrastructure taken out of the mothballs.


Thanks for your work and help zaatar. Appreciate the thoroughness of what you’ve done, and hope to see a need for this in the future with new governance and increased engagement.

I’ve removed the GRIP proposal in discourse and discord for now.

Thank you!

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