OPEN: Website Maintainer - Documentation Maintenance


  • Maintain the website, tasks will include:
    • updating the blog
    • fixing any issues
    • integrating features like mailing list
    • adding new pages, content, and links (with guidance of POKT team)
    • Managing analytics
  • Audit current marketing, infra, docs etc… specifically the placement of tools, info, and resources including:
    • Docs
    • Website
    • WPOKT
    • Gateways
      The goal is to improve our messaging towards the retail investors, and gateway audience.
      Note: My mission on maintainenance of website is primary, with auditing and documentation being a secondary focus, in collaboration with doc maintainers and community
  • Document findings in Audit and propose fixes
  • Support in producing content, and documentation
  • Producing monthly reports based on analytics, content, and changes.
  • Support in onboarding and guiding new community contributors
  • Writing guides for my processes to ensure anyone can pick up where I leave off
  • Assist in securing a tier 1 exchange listing.


I built POKT’s website, contributed to pokt’s research on RPCs, and am familiar with the work done on wPOKT.

I have experience in mentoring and educating developers, I taught the ETHDenver BUIDLcamp 2024, have a meetup with 1600+ people where I educate people on cryptocurrency, and have been a community manager for multiple DAOs, specifically working with technical members.

Additionally i have connection in a lot of web3/crypto communities, and can drive impact in spreading the word and potentially exposing others to POKT

Relevant links:

My website

Alignment with PNF 2024 goals:

Documentation, website, and contributors are essential for establishing a positive image in public. Additionally, these are the essential building blocks for creating a culture and community that believes in the network and vision.

By documentating and reporting my work and contributors I hope to establish a blueprint for OS contributors that will be coming in to the POKT community.

If i can support in securing a T1 exchange listing it will create high impact for POKT supporters and stakeholders.

Requested value of socket:

3000 USD in stables + 1000$ in POKT/wPOKT per month for 55 hours of work per month

Streamed in super tokens or paid once at the beginning of the month


I’m open to requesting less funds per month for less hours work, but i believe that 15~ hours per week is reasonable for creating impact.

My POKT wallet: 8c4ce5d8d7cf0b6dbdc13a833e2b5b611dc33ce4
My EVM wallet: 0xc0163E58648b247c143023CFB26C2BAA42C9d9A9


Hey @Seroxdesign - just confirming that this is open starting April 1 - your stream might be a couple days behind due to the holiday but i’ll make sure you’re settled next week.

Please open a grant in Karma GAP. I’ve got a brief write-up here

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