OPEN: Editor-at-Large - Maintainer Proposal

Edit and copyedit key public-facing material including:

  • Website copy
  • POKT docs
  • Blog articles
  • Marketing material, e.g., video scripts aimed at general public/investors

How it will work

At the outset, I will coordinate with the Foundation regarding which existing material requires editing and/or copyediting, and the prioritization of that work.

For most new material, to ensure editing after early draft and copyediting before publication, the newly created POKT-docs-coordination channel on Discord will serve as a point of contact. Anyone without access to that channel who needs editing and/or copyediting can DM me @zaatar on Discord or by email

Services available to any community member

Subject to PNF oversight, my services will be available upon request to any community member for DAO-related material, including Forum proposals.

As my role is collaborative, generally no changes to copy become final without the author’s approval.

NOTE: I am not a techie. For content of a technical nature, I’ll need to collaborate.


At the end of every month, I’ll report in this thread on the work that I’ve done and hours spent. My first report may include some work done before this post.


$100 per hour / ~20 hours per month

Workload will be a function of need. Some weeks I may have no work. I expect to be busiest when this role begins since there is a backlog that requires attention.


Great to see this!
I’m not sure if this is a socket? what kind of funding mechanisms are you proposing?

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The idea is to fund the proposal under the recently created “Maintainers” category. See the Contributions - Path to Impact thread under “POKT Network Grants.”

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Hey @zaatar - glad to have your attention to detail + editing skills across the org.

I’m confirming that this maintainer grant is open. While the maintainer role is slightly different than a quick grant, I’d appreciate if you opened a grant in karma to track the work (and potentially be eligible for retro PGF) . You’ll want to fill out your first milestone which will be the work you plan to do for April, and to be measured against.

Since it’s hourly work, we’ll make the payment on a rolling basis each month after reporting hours + work in Karma.

Looking forward to working together!


May 1-31 Update website:

POKT DOCS pages edited/copyedited

Under “Learn About POKT” Category

  • The Economics

Under “POKT Protocol” Category

  • Our Evolution

  • Morse

  • Shannon

Under “Community” Category

  • DAO (OS)

  • Community Calls + Events

  • POKT Event Playbook and four component pages as follows: Hosting your event; Your responsibilities as a host; Resources, and Images wish list (this section is still under development and not yet live)

  • Start Contributing

  • Quick Grants

  • How to Use Karma GAP

  • Retro POKT Goods Funding

  • Timeline

  • Application Process

  • Voters & Voting

  • Support & FAQ

  • What is Retro POKT Goods funding Round 1?

Under “Node Operators” Category

  • Manual Node Setup Guide: Pocket Configuration

Under “POKT Token” Category

  • What is $POKT

  • POKT Today

  • What Network is POKT on

  • Get POKT or wPOKT

  • Holding POKT

  • Node Wallet

  • POKT Wallet

  • Ledger Wallet (“Before you Start” portion)

  • Wrapped POKT (wPOKT)

NOTE: POKT DOCS pages not noted above or in April’s report have yet to be reviewed. Technical content was checked by technical experts Ramiro and Isaac89 (3.25 hours of total noted below - including Learn About POKT: Morse, Shannon; Morse Manual Node Setup Guide: Pocket Configuration, Going Live; and Holding POKT: POKT Wallet and NodeWallet).

Non Website (for Pocket Network Foundation):

  • ReadME document on contributing to the POKT ecosystem

Total time in hours for May: 39.5

Milestones for June

Complete any remaining pages of POKT DOCS - subject to voting on CREDS and other events that may necessitate holding off; fix and update Discourse Forum and POKT Discord server info to accord with POKT DOCS, e.g., regarding ways to contribute.

Due to technical difficulties, this update will be posted to Karma GAP later.