
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Please feel free to introduce yourself to our community to say hi, and share a little about yourself such as for example…

  • What is your favorite thing to do to relax?
  • How did you hear about Pocket Network?
  • What was it that caught your attention to eventually get involved?
  • Are you an app developer, node runner or an investor?
  • Are you interested on becoming a contributor to our ecosystem? If so, what do you have in mind?
  • If you can give us all one advice in life, what would that be?

You’re also welcome to provide your social handles such as Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Github etc. if you wish.

Thank you for saying hi, and be sure to read and follow our Community Guidelines!


I’m a developer, French, obsessed with collective intelligence and a newbie in the web3 ecosystem.
I discovered Pocket Network as I was looking for teams willing or needing to put their community members in charge.
As I was exploring the forum I saw the will here, and to achieve the team’s stated ambitious goals I believe there is also a need.
I’ve been taken by the project and by the Pocket people (even the grumblers!). So I’m going to see along the way if I can be of any help. I had the impression that running a node in the CC was affordable so I’ll give it a try soon. Sure I’ll reach out about it very soon.


I’m glad to be a part of this group. It’s nice to unwind with a cool drink and relax. I heard about this through Messari. It’s nice to see an app that can unite certain forms of networking, and I wanted to help with that. I’m a developer who’s interested in becoming a contributor to the ecosystem. I hope to get that certain investor a new beginning. My one advice is always to try your best and know that life is precious, and you never know when it might be your last day.


Hi :wave:
Kemp here from Developer DAO, have been meaning to jump in an introduce for a while so here I am.
I have been working on web3 for a few years now, mainly focused on D_D where I’m Ops Lead and the director of our foundation. Super fun last couple of years.
We’re really happy to be partnering with PKT. I have a strong personal conviction on DePIN in general and POKT specifically, please everyone I’ve met or spoken with from the POKT “Network” (excuse the pun) has been equal parts lovely and impressive. We’re starting the explore the idea of a DD Gateway internally in the DAO (see very early discussion started here) and looking forward to a number 2024 building the future with our friends here at POKT.



Hi All,

Varun here. I’m a polymath. I read up on Blockscience’s work with Pokt Network and that brought me here.

I’m a Polymath with an interdisciplinary skill set - I code, research, right, and have even executed successful BD/Marketing/Ecosystem programs. I specialize in node infra, rollups, and interoperability in Ethereum and Cosmos. I’m very actively researching crypto governance and economics as well.

My background
1)I recently wrote a research thesis on the data economy as a focus for on-chain activity after being inspired by Ocean Protocol and the research direction mentioned in Michael Zarghams and Shermin Voshmigirs paper - Foundation of crypto-economic systems.

2)Made an open-source contribution to Safe(Gnosis)'s token utility where I researched stakeholders and mechanism designs specific to their ecosystem.

3)Worked at Polygon as a strategist to support the enterprise adoption of crypto

Exploring an opportunity to contribute to Pokt Networks V1 governance and tokenomics



Hello world new here. Hope everyone has a great day ,

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