Hello everyone I’m Derrek, a front-end dev and community builder at RaidGuild. I’ve been stoked to see all of the cool things Sasquatch and the team have supported this year, like wpokt, gatewayverse, and the website. After a few helpful conversations with @doctorrobinson, I’d like to offer my skills in service of the POKT community as well. I welcome any and all feedback on strategy, execution, and other opportunities to stretch the value of these efforts even further.
tl;dr: I’d like to make POKT the de facto RPC for new projects by creating starter kits, youtube content, and written tutorials that integrate POKT with other protocols, achieving win-win growth with other organizations’ marketing and DevRel initiatives.
- Ambition
Ambition #2: Pocket has the most trusted infrastructure brand in crypto (awareness)
Ambition #4: Shannon is the most successful new protocol launch ever (timing)
I’d like to make POKT the default RPC of choice for devs at hackathons and starting their dapps by creating starter repos they can use - especially at the upcoming ETHDenver!
A few thoughts informing the strategy and execution:
- Short-term value: Since the short-term target is empowering builders at ETHDenver (to use POKT), I’ll create separate repos that each integrate and show off a specific sponsor’s tech. That gives sponsors an incentive to share with their networks and builders an incentive to use these repos if they’re tackling the sponsors’ bounties during the hackathon.
- Long-term value: The main deliverable here is middle-of-funnel content for web3 devs: code, videos, and docs. These have long-tail value for builders and protocols compared to other forms of marketing, such as X threads and newsletters. My hope is that each of these artifacts bring value to the POKT network for many months. I intend to work with Zak and Adz to quantify and report these metrics, though I would like to reemphasize that by its nature this kind of work takes time to show its full value.
- Empowering devs: I intend to use scaffold-eth 2 as the base repo because their builder community is wildly talented and the repo has a modern stack out of the box for quickly iterating on dapp ideas (NextJS, RainbowKit, Hardhat, Wagmi, Viem, and Typescript).
- Creating win-wins and new partnerships: The best-case scenario is these repos show off other protocol’s tech (while having POKT integrated) so their ecosystem benefits from promoting the material too, such as on their socials or in their docs and repos. This would help POKT reach new devs in other communities, increasing its long-term reach with no extra overhead. Delivering value to these communities seems like a great way to nurture a relationship, one that may return dividends in retweets, newsletter announcements, and other forms of amplification.
- Pace and frequency: My conservative estimate is one set of materials per week (repo, video, corresponding written docs or blog). This might stretch to two per week as I get accustomed to the workflow.
- Type of Socket:
Experiment: $4k per month, paid and reviewed monthly through the end of February. After ETHDenver (mid-March) I’ll reflect on my progress, including partnership traction and hackathon usage, giving us a chance to evaluate its impact.
- Commitment to “Default to open”.
I will work in the open and self-report monthly.
I’ll post links to everything I create here. I can scale that to a GDrive-type structure if/when circulating content to other teams becomes part of the workflow.
Wallet address for Socket payments
POKT: 93deaa6e9a8c66874267ec5623aed80a931a9af7
ETH: 0x9f0bcf3a42179E8be12cd125B3209b8BE9826Fb7