Warning: This post is out of date as of January 2024 and needs to be updated. Please DYOR for all services.
Interested in staking POKT but don’t have enough for the minimum node stake? Below are the available options in our community.
Warning: Use at your own risk. The appearance of third party descriptions and hyperlinks on this site does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, warranty, or recommendation by Pocket Network, Inc., Pocket Network Foundation, or the Pocket DAO. Do conduct your own due diligence before deciding to use any third party services.
Disclaimer: POKT staking & pooling services are not associated with Pocket Network, Inc., the Pocket DAO, nor the Pocket Foundation. There are fees associated with each staking & pooling service to help cover their costs and neither Pocket Network, Inc., the Pocket DAO, nor the Pocket Foundation receives any of these fees nor any proceeds from the staking & pooling of POKT.
Crypto Node Tools
DN Labs
Weavers Nodes
C0D3R as the oldest and most comprehensive service provider, exhibits an unparalleled tenure and extensive influence within the Pocket ecosystem. Rooted in Seattle, our company is founded by seasoned executives from industry leaders such as Microsoft and Amazon. We specialize in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), with a particular focus on proof-of-stake networks in the RPC domain. While our organizational ethos is deeply rooted in engineering excellence, we set ourselves apart with a steadfast commitment to operational efficiency and superior customer service. With our meticulously engineered, fully automated system, launching your Pocket nodes is as effortless as a few clicks.
Summary of Services:
- Full-service staking, flexible for both servicers and validators, with Non-custodial and Custodial choices.
- User-friendly tools for real-time tracking of earnings and network metrics.
- Auto-compounding feature for effortless growth of your assets.
- Automated reward withdrawal for added convenience.
- Comprehensive daily reports on node performance.
- Automated surveillance and intervention systems, promptly detecting and resolving issues.
- Robust security protocols ensuring the safety of your investment.
- Additional protection offered through Coincover insurance.
Resource Links:
Discord: Discord
Website: https://c0d3r.org/
Mail: support@c0d3r.org
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @C0D3R_team
Twitter: https://twitter.com/C0D3R_org
Crypto Node Tools
Infrastructure/Staking/Validator as a Service for both stakers and staking providers within the pocket network, aiming to empower individuals and organizations to achieve self-custody and greater control of their digital assets. Our commitment to network performance, security, and rewards has earned cryptonode.tools a stellar track record in the community, consistently returning the highest net earnings among providers within the ecosystem. We can also provide support, consultation, and software development services to help clients navigate the complex world of blockchain.
Resource Links:
Website: https://cryptonode.tools
Discord: Crypto Node Tools
DN Labs
Deep Narrative Labs was established by Ian and Leo, a prolific crypto builder in China, an early supporter of Pocket Network, and has built various popular products such as POKT China Pool, rpclist.info, etc. DNlab will be committed to promoting Pocket Network in China and expanding the community in the long run.
Summary of Services:
- Fractional staking pool
Resource Links:
Liquify is an infrastructure as a service company that provides fully managed end to end IT infrastructure with optimized costs, throughput and uptime. As a fully bare-metal company there is zero cloud reliance. Liquify has infrastructure that spans the globe with colocation in 6 datacentres across 5 countries. Deployments are fully customisable to meet the clients needs. Liquify has been running pokt validators and servicers since August of 2021 having contributed and proposed/delivered key network upgrades in the past such as PIP21 - servicer stake weighting.
Summary of Services:
- Node hosting and management
- Whitelabel validation service
- Infrastructure and tooling consulting/ development
Resource Links:
Website: https://liquify.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Liquify_ltd
Github: Liquify · GitHub
Nodefleet is a Web3 blockchain and a node running company offering Infrastructure/Staking/Validator as a service. Managed by a OG Lowell ex- Lead Devops from Pocket Network which vision is to provide the best network perfomance and security around a centric customer care.
We have a solid track of network earning perfomance which will be kept with clients. Nodefleet also provides software and infrastructure toolings/solutions within the blockchain ecosystem.
Summary of Services:
POKT Staking
- Revshare
- Fiat only
- Custodial staking
- Auto Compound
- Daily/weekly sweeps
- Daily/weekly email summary of production report
- Personalized dashboard
- No lockdown penalty for unstaking
- Top node perfomance
- 23 Chains supported. Dynamically changed based on perfomance
Resource Links:
Poktpool stands as the flagship fractional staking pool within the POKT ecosystem. It proudly holds the distinction of being the first and largest pool of its kind, a testament to its significance in the POKT network.
Crafted and launched by the transparent and fully doxxed Pocket OGs, which include Jinx (@thepoktopus), Tracie (@traciecmyers), and Joey (@rosaticorp), which encompasses both DAO votes and wPOKT multi-sig signers. As of the latest update in November 2023, poktpool has aggregated over 80 million POKT, strategically staking across numerous nodes.
Poktpool eliminates any upfront costs, adopting a revenue-sharing model that dynamically adjusts in response to market conditions. Rewards are seamlessly compounded or can be automatically swept into your wallet daily, enhancing the user experience. There are no constraints regarding the minimum or maximum amounts eligible for staking.
The pool’s robustness shields against single-node volatility thanks to its extensive fleet size. Vigilant oversight by the team ensures continuous optimization for performance, which is achieved through active coordination with third-party node running providers.
For users, the poktpool website (https://poktpool.com/) serves as a central hub, offering personalized dashboards that provide insights into staking and rewards history. The platform facilitates user-friendly actions such as easy staking, sweeping, unstaking, and seamless transfers within the pool. This comprehensive approach ensures that users have a seamless and transparent experience while participating in the poktpool ecosystem.
Resource Links:
Community Discord: poktpool
Full Pool Earning History: https://stats.poktpool.com/fullstats.html
Server infrastructure as a service. QuantumSpider has been a web host provider since 2013 and now providing blockchain services since 2020.
Summary of Services:
- POKT tiered staking service non custodial or custodial staking options.
- Top 15 chains.
- Customized tooling and user dashboards.
Resource Links:
SafePOKT is a protocol deployed on Fantom that enables Pocket investment and management. Users buy Shares with USDC in Fantom Network. Shares represent your POKT in the Pocket Network (staked into running Nodes). Then, earn weekly rewards from the nodes according to your participation in the global Share pool.
Investors don’t have to do any operation on the Pocket Network side while participating in POKT Nodes reward ecosystem. Team is from Spain and KYCd by Coinscope.
The SafePOKT website (https://safepokt.finance ) allows you to easily manage your investment (Claim/Compound your node rewards) just by connecting your Metamask wallet on Fantom Network.
The underlying node provider used is Poktpool (Blockspaces) and protocol has a 5% management fee over rewards.
Resource Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SafePOKT
Discord: https://dsc.gg/safepokt
Website: https://safepokt.finance
Weavers Nodes
At Weaver’s Nodes, we embrace the philosophy of interconnectedness and collaboration. Through our partnership with the Pocket Network, a decentralized ecosystem, we actively contribute to the stability and reliability of the network, ensuring seamless connectivity across diverse dimensions and realms.
As a Latin American company, we take pride in our cultural diversity and the vibrancy it brings to our work. We strive to foster an inclusive community, promoting the exchange of knowledge and ideas between Node Runners and enthusiasts from all backgrounds. Our commitment to excellence is deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of our heritage.
Summary of Services:
- Chains Supported: 15 chains supported per node at 3 different regions (Asia, USA, Europe) that are modified by performance.
- POKT Reward Share or pay with USDC depending of you.
- Staking provider.
Resource Links:
WebPage: https://weaversnodes.com/
Discord: Discord
Twitter, Instagram and Youtube: WeaversNodes