Open: Korea Community Hub


To enhance engagement and awareness within the Korean community by consistently updating them with the latest news and project details. The goal is to answer inquiries effectively and elevate the understanding of Pocket Network’s vision and developments among Korean retail investors.

Scope of Work:

  • Manage and oversee Korean community platforms, including Telegram (TG) group.
  • Translate and disseminate updates, news, and information in Korean across these community groups.
  • Publish these updates and information on various content platforms such as the Telegram, Naver blog, Twitter and etc.
  • Engage with members of the Korean community, providing answers and insights about the Pocket Network.
  • Develop and adapt content to resonate with the cultural nuances and linguistic preferences of the Korean audience.

Type of Engagement:

  • Initiative Compensation: $2,000, subject to monthly review and payment, for the duration of the experiment. This initiative is set to commence on January 15th, 2024.

Commitment to Transparency:

  • In keeping with the principle of transparency, we commit to working openly and providing monthly self-reports. All completed activities and tasks will be detailed in a monthly report published under this post.

Wallet Address for Transactions:

  • POKT: eeee473a9c3285e152a28edbfb9389cab39ddc23

A special acknowledgment to @Adrienne for her invaluable support in this endeavor!


I wholeheartedly support this and feel that it will be a material support to us over the coming months.

The only thing I’d like to add to the scope specifically is maintaining up to date news and profile on Xangle. I feel this is important for the target audience.

Thank you @coineasy !


Thank you for your support and looking forward to it! :pray:


Hey @coineasy can you share an ETH wallet for the payment please, as we’re moving to a pay stream.

This socket will open this week once @b3n has your ETH address + opens your stream.



Here is our ETH wallet: 0x04B801A23549017c411c6feC7ecd8d8D81c957C1

Thank you! @doctorrobinson @b3n


Thanks @coineasy - quick update to confirm that your socket is open from the 15th. Due to the timing of this one we plan to issue a single back-payment on the 1st of February, when your paystream goes live as well.


Understood @doctorrobinson. Thank you for the updates!


POKT Korean Community Engagement Overview

Channel Management

  • Platforms Managed: Twitter, Telegram, Naver blog
  • Community Size: Approximately 5,000 members/subscribers from above platforms.

Content Highlights

Follow up news: Total over 35,000 views includingTwitter, Telegram and Naver blog

Weekly Recap:

Upcoming contents

The DePin research article on Pocket Network, which is featured on Xangle, is also expected to be published on Bloomberg.


POKT Korean Community Engagement Overview

Channel Management

  • Platforms Managed: Twitter, Telegram, Naver blog
  • Community Size: Approximately 5,000 members/subscribers from above platforms.

Content Highlights

Follow up news: Total over 35,000 views includingTwitter, Telegram and Naver blog

Upcoming contents

Since we found that users like to see Pocket Network featured in the DePin narrative, we will focus more on it.


Hey @coineasy - please provide an update for March ASAP!

Please use Karma GAP: Karma GAP - Seung Hyun Lee - POKT Korea hub Plugs into the Socket grant milestones and updates

As part of the process - please post an UPDATE for your March work, and create a NEW milestone, outlining the work you plan to do for April, which you will post an update to end of April.

Please DM me if you have any questions.


Sorry for the delay; it has been a crazy week in Korea during Eth Seoul and BUIDL Asia. Will update it asap.

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POKT Korean Community Engagement Overview

Channel Management

Content Highlights

Follow up news: Total over 75,000 views includingTwitter , Telegram and Naver blog

The following are the contents we provided to the community:

In collaboration with Xangle, Korea’s premier research firm, we’re elevating Pocket Network’s presence in South Korea, spotlighting the transformative DePIN technology with Pocket Network as its prime showcase.

This initiative underscores secure, efficient blockchain data access, aiming to acquaint our community with these groundbreaking solutions and their role in redefining data accessibility.

We’ve informed Korea community about the significant milestone of POKT’s listing on Upbit, scheduled for March 27, 2024, in the BTC and USDT markets. Highlighting the listing on Upbit, South Korea’s most selective exchange, underscores POKT’s enhanced legitimacy and market position. We proudly noted POKT’s achievement of securing the top volume in the BTC pair on Upbit, surpassing all other pairs, which marks a notable success and community endorsement in a competitive market.

From here:

Upcoming contents

We are committed to keeping Korea community informed about upcoming events, ensuring they have access to valuable information that underscores Pocket Network’s enduring prominence and expanding influence in the South Korean market.

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POKT Korean Community Engagement Overview

Channel Management

Content Highlights

Follow up news: Total over 80,000 views includingTwitter , Telegram and Naver blog

The following are the contents we provided to the community:

In collaboration with Korean KOLs to help promote our AMA with @Adrienne, we’re elevating Pocket Network’s presence in South Korea by spotlighting the transformative DePIN technology with Pocket Network as its prime showcase.

We’ve informed the Korean community about POKT’s significant milestone: its listing on Upbit, scheduled for March 27, 2024, in the BTC and USDT markets. Since then, this listing on South Korea’s most selective exchange has solidified POKT’s position and enhanced its legitimacy. We proudly note that POKT has secured the highest volume in the BTC pair on Upbit, surpassing all other top 10 pairs. This achievement marks a notable success and community endorsement in a competitive market. POKT continues to hold a strong position in the top 10 pairs, attracting significant buying interest from whales in Korea.

Upcoming contents

We are committed to keeping the Korean community informed about upcoming events, ensuring they have access to valuable information that underscores Pocket Network’s enduring prominence and expanding influence in the South Korean market.


POKT Korean Community Engagement Overview

Channel Management

Content Highlights

Follow up news: Total over 70,000 views includingTwitter , Telegram and Naver blog

The following are the contents we provided to the community:

In collaboration with Korean KOLs to promote our AMA with @Adrienne, we’re enhancing Pocket Network’s presence in South Korea by highlighting the transformative DePIN technology, with Pocket Network as its prime showcase. This AMA has significantly increased our understanding of POKT, the leading player in DePIN technology.

We’re thrilled to share a significant milestone with the Korean community: POKT’s recent listing on Upbit, South Korea’s most selective exchange, scheduled for March 27, 2024. Available in both the BTC and USDT markets, this strategic move has not only solidified POKT’s position but has also significantly boosted its legitimacy. We are proud to announce that POKT has achieved the highest trading volume in the BTC pair on Upbit, surpassing all other top 20 pairs. This remarkable success underscores the strong community endorsement and competitive standing of POKT, which continues to attract substantial buying interest, especially from major investors in Korea.

Upcoming contents

We are committed to keeping the Korean community informed about upcoming events, ensuring they have access to valuable information that underscores Pocket Network’s enduring prominence and expanding influence in the South Korean market. Before Korea Blockchain Week 2024 this September—the biggest conference in Korea and Asia—Pocket Network will have a strong presence in the South Korean market. We will keep the Korean community updated about Pocket Network and post about it on Token Post, one of the biggest PR companies in Korea.


POKT Korean Community Engagement Overview

Channel Management

Content Highlights

Follow up news: Total over 65,000 views includingTwitter , Telegram and Naver blog

The following are the contents we provided to the community:

In collaboration with Korean KOLs to promote our AMA with @FractonVentures, we’re enhancing Pocket Network’s presence in South Korea by highlighting the transformative DePIN technology, with Pocket Network as its prime showcase. This AMA has significantly improved our understanding of the POKT Korea and Japan markets, with POKT Japan as the leading player in DePIN technology.

We’re thrilled to share a significant milestone with the Korean community: POKT’s recent listing on Upbit, South Korea’s most selective exchange, scheduled for March 27, 2024. Available in both the BTC and USDT markets, this strategic move has not only solidified POKT’s position but has also significantly boosted its legitimacy. POKT has surpassed all other top 25 pairs in trading volume. This remarkable success underscores the strong community endorsement and competitive standing of POKT, which continues to attract substantial buying interest, especially from major investors in Korea.

Upcoming contents

We are dedicated to keeping the Korean community well-informed about upcoming events and providing them with valuable information that highlights Pocket Network’s continued prominence and growing influence in the South Korean market. Ahead of Korea Blockchain Week 2024 this September—the largest conference in Korea and Asia—Pocket Network will strengthen its presence in the South Korean market. We will continue to update the Korean community about Pocket Network and share updates through Token Post, one of Korea’s leading PR firms.

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