Community All-hands – 06/25/21 12pm EDT

Join us in Discord for a monthly all-hands community call where we’ll discuss a range of topics, including protocol upgrades, DAO proposals, community projects, and any topic that you propose. To propose a topic, DM @jackal.

Current agenda:

  • Chain Halt Post-Mortem
  • 0.6.3 Consensus Upgrade (PIP-4)
  • New Chain Listing Strategy (PIP-6.2)
  • Node Pilot Updates

Here are the notes from the call. Thanks to @Patrick727 and @RichCL for writing these up.

1. Chain halt post mortem

  • May 28th - most difficult chain halt we have experienced
    • Why was this specifically so difficult for Pocket to overcome?
      • The bug that caused it.
      • the coordination effort. A feature of how Tendermint handles immediate consistency for every block.
    • On Friday - we figured out in the first hour.
      • Source of issue was tx indexer. Specific combination of Txs threw off the state.
      • Read only nature of Txs is helpful for …
      • But Tx Indexer, the default was storing redundant Txs. This was in 6.1.
      • When we went to 6.2 → we introduced a Tx Indexer that would remove redundant Txs.
      • Error showed an insufficient fee Tx, when we had sufficient fees.
      • Very niche case.
      • We believe it was a random collision issue.
  • Next step: How do we get back to consensus?
    • We decided to all get to 6.3, but when we got there we were unable to produce a block. Rounds got pushed back to 71.
      • Downside: not enough nodes were surviving to vote on the consensus rounds to produce a block.
    • Attempted Resolution: Brought together biggest node runners, tried to delete the wall file, then get 67% in isolation
    • Eventual Resolution: Code a patch and bypass those existing rounds. Start at round 0 again.
      • We got past the chain halt at this height.
  • Aftermath:
    • Difficult for Noderunners to
      • delete wal files
      • Txs that were living through 4 days of turmoil in the gossip
  • Final resolution:
    • we proceed with most on 0.6.3, but some with 6.3.2
  • Questions:
    • none in Slido or #community-calls

2. DAO voting period for RC 0.6.3 upgrade: 6/23/2021 - 6/30/2021

  • Some of the features are currently dormant because the consensus rule change has yet to be activated by the DAO
    • Next Wednesday 12pm EST, we will submit pocket gov upgrade tx to activate update stake, protobuf encoding, other changes mentioned in last Community Call
    • great time for Settlers of New Chains proposal.
  • Andrew: proposed changes
    • Merkle sum tree patch
    • Proposer selection patch
      • don’t hash in the vote data
      • protects us from a Grinding attack
    • Protobuf as the new standard for storing your evidence
    • As a reminder, a consensus breaking changes.
    • Allows UX update include Edit Stake Update
      • drop old chains, add new ones easily, add POKT to your stake
    • All written documentation here - pocket-core/ at 0e999d96c2d3043f5456f6312fa5c563cd77cf87 · pokt-network/pocket-core · GitHub
    • Question: “Andrew, will these updates result in faster syncing for our nodes?”
      • Protobuf has a slight improvement when being encoding reading/writing
      • 6.4 beta - we have seen anecdotally, we have seen 60x faster syncing due to caching methods
        • Still beta, but very promising
    • Question: “Did you ever consider snapshots regarding this syncing dilemma ?”
      • Something on the Tendermint’s roadmap, but has been there for more than a year
      • As we veer away from Tendermint, we will look at this
    • Question: “Are you advising/requesting additional nodes to run/test Beta 0.6.4? Or do you have enough testers?”
      • Interesting because it comes up in the context of us about to submit 6.3 changes.
      • We do not recommend anyone downgrade to 6.3
      • I wouldn’t recommend anyone to go to 6.4 until consensus changes are implemented
        • But not dissuading Runners from using bleeding edge technology

3. DAO voting period for “Settlers of New Chains”: 6/24 - 6/31

  • The reason why we haven’t been able to freely add new chains because there has been a chicken/egg problem for new or small chains
    • risk of targeted servicing
  • We initially wanted to get to a certain scale before we start issuing rewards, but then there’s an incentive bootstrapping problem before we get to that scale
    • First attempt: Campaign Net - isolated incentivized testnets
    • Second attempt: Centralized funding based on Dashboard data
    • Both efforts - Not super sustainable, and expensive
  • Instead, how about we control demand-side through Dashboard and subsidize demand for a period of time
  • Combine this with functionality, and this becomes MUCH easier for the Node Runners
    • no need to wait for 21 days period
  • In order to bootstrap a chain for a period of time, PNF provide a Minimum Viable Relays
    • once organic demand meets MVR, then we take off subsidize demand, or 3 months come about - we take off the subsidize
  • This is a temporary measure till future Consensus features can ameliorate targeted servicing risk
  • Inflation effect is negligible
    • <1% on total supply
    • small cost to bootstrap growth
  • Proposal summary:
    • would delegate power to:
      • choose new stakes chains
      • control max application parameters
    • give notice on new chains
    • We would start with the following chains
      • Avalanche Mainnet (0003)
      • BSC (0004)
      • BSC Archival (0010)
      • Fuse (0005)
      • xDAI (0027)
      • Ethereum Archival Trace (0028)
      • Ethereum Ropsten (0023)
      • Ethereum Rinkeby (0025)
      • Ethereum Goerli (0025)
      • Ethereum Kovan (0024)
      • Ethereum Archival (0022)
    • On radar for next chains:
      • Solana
      • Polygon (Matic)
  • Question: “Can we have the “realistic” expected volumes on each chains, to have that information taken into account into our analysis and voting?”
    • Shane: Reason we are choosing BSC, Fuse, Ava - we have been talking to their foundations, and DApps who have been asking for their endpoints
      • Now that we have Portal, we are in a good place to serve these new chains
  • Jack: we would like to discourage pre-staking to a chain unless you have pre-spun that specific node
    • Why? negatively impacting service for the Application if portal sends you traffic and your node is down
    • No need to pre-stake due to Edit Stake functionality
  • Question: “Does any other nodes providers have experience with any of those protocols, and with running them as full nodes ?”
    • Alex: Yes, absolutely. PNF has spun up fallback nodes for the majority of these chains.
      • If you run under docker, you can use one of my boxes with all of these new chains - just see in Node Runner channel chat history
      • Initially difficult, but getting a lot more stable
      • Re: resource requirements. We are running our transition from OpenEthereum to Erigon (TurboGeth)
        • space requirements are significantly more forgiving
        • separates the RPC from the data layer
        • easier to scale
        • faster than Open ETH
      • Also, we will be running them bare metal outside of Docker as well
  • Question: “Bullish 4 SOL, but big latency constraints. Will perf be sufficient?”
    • Have not run it,
    • Of course, it is enormous
    • Submission to DAO in the works: adjust relays for specific chains to help compensate for these more expensive chains
  • Koen: Re: Erigon - I have been following them but my experience is that they are not production ready. Data results vary across different versions. A bit concerned. They are pushing out patches, but there are data differences
    • Alex: I have been monitoring on this. Minor data differences, I would have to do more research. If you know of any major data differences, please let me know.
    • Syncing an archival nodes was taking 6-8 weeks. Without a filed version, it was near impossible.
      • Koen: yeah, it was taking me 3 weeks last summer

4. Node Pilot keeps shipping! Open-source library

Repo: GitHub - decentralized-authority/node-launcher: Full crypto node runner used in Node Pilot.