Binance Application

Hi all,

I know there is talks happening in the background in regards to Tier-1 listing for POKT.

However, it appears Binance has had a change of heart on what type of projects they are looking to engage with. Below is a direct quote from a recent Binance announcement last month:

To foster a healthy industry with a variety of market participants, including projects with lower to medium valuations, Binance is taking the lead to engage small to medium projects. We would like to invite such high-quality teams and projects to apply for our listing programs, including direct listing, Launchpools, Megadrops, and more. We hope to enhance the development of the blockchain ecosystem through our support to small and medium sized projects with strong fundamentals, an organic community base, a sustainable business model, and a dedicated team acting as responsible industry participants.
(Calling For Project Applicants | Binance Support)

It seems that the Pocket Network ticks many of these boxes for projects Binance is looking out for. Under this context would it be possible for a Pocket Network representative to fill in the application form in the announcement page and see what Binance replies with. I don’t think there is much to lose by trying through this channel.

Binance should be able to support a wrapped POKT ERC-20 listing that can accept deposit from Ethereum and other EVM chains that is WPOKT supported in the future. Binance can later help support a network switch to the Shannon upgrade when it comes time, just as they have done for other projects with their network upgrades.

This is a tier-1 exchange encouraging projects like Pocket Network to apply. Pocket Network should jump at this opportunity to see what may come out of it.


Thanks for your suggestion. Please be noted we have never stop doing the effort to get $POKT listed on the Tier 1 Cexs, including Binance. That means we have reach out to them but the applying doesn’t mean getting listed for sure.


Of course it is not guaranteed but maybe their tune may have changed now. It could be time to revisit the Binance contact in reference to the recent announcement they made in May.


I agree with Vincent. It’s unclear from Bruce’s reply whether we’ve reapplied/taken any new steps since the May announcement .

“PNF is talking to all of the T1 exchanges. They are all aware of POKT. Listings are still conditional on several factors, liquidity was one of them, volume will be another. A best guess of a major T1 listing will be around or shortly after Shannon’s release, but this is largely up to the exchanges.” from May 30th PNF Board Meeting Review